Thursday, February 24, 2011

It has been a cold week here and we haven't done too much out of the ordinary. Clear sunny skies get everyone excited about spring but I still want to ski a bunch more. No real exciting news here, we'll have some interesting stories from thweekend I am sure. MadB did a project on the number 100 using great grandma Clara as a central focus, being older than 100. Josie took some cool pictures they are at night if you couldn't tell.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Heritage day was yesterday and the kids were off of school. Maybe it is family day here in BC but it was a holiday and it is a busy weekend in town. Good travel conditions plus the holiday havd made it a a busy weekend here. Unfortunately I have the night off but did capitalize on thursday night. Oh I should not complain it is nice to do nothing here with Josie. We spent the day yesterday at the ski hill and had lots of fun although it was incredibly busy. It was nice and sunny and mild. We saw many of our friends and acquaintances and I even got a run in on my own thanks to Tom. He managed successfully to watch 5 kids on the bunny hill while relaxing in the snow with what looked like an adult beverage. What a place to be.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Again I must apologize for the inconsistency of these entries. I am sure lots has happened in the past week or so like more and more snow and a few days of skiing. Madeleine and her dance class had a performance as part of Revelstoke's winter festival. It was pretty good fun and highly entertaining. I will try to find if it is posted somewhere on the world wide interweb. Will is just cool and CeeCee is growing teeth and developing a very strange sleep pattern.