Thursday, July 28, 2011

We are trying our best to entertain a teenager here amd still have fun ouselves, movies and biking and hanging around are the real highlights. I wish we had a little more excitement for Brendan, but we will finally get out to camp next week. Hopefully we can go a few times and spend several days out of town. That should entertain everybody.
Madeleine Will and Cee have just been playing away doing this and that,seems they are having fun and are definitely not bored. They may even be too busy. I am having fun here and there and Josie is often mistaken for fun itself.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We have had a lot of company the past week and it has been a lot of fun. At its peak we had a crowd of seven extras but are now down to one. The Reimers, the Marchants and Brendan have been here and Brendan stays another 3 weeks. We have just been playing and having fun doing touristy things.

Friday, July 8, 2011

We had a big Canada Day here, a parade and street festival, no fireworks as this is fire season. Summer tourism is bustling but not too busy here in Revelstoke. Our home soon will be though with the Reimers of Guelph ON , Marchants of Baddeck NS and Brendan of Forest ON, all planning to be here this week. We have had the trailer out for a trial run in the driveway, seeing MadB, Will and I sleep out in it. It seems no worse for wear after the six feet of snow it was buried under all winter. CeeCee was not quite ready to give up her crib when given the choice to camp. It was a nice night that ended at 545am on Madb's usual rising.