Monday, August 29, 2011

Josie and Cee Cee are basking in the sun at Summit lake and Will's mud pit in the side yard. These are photos from a few weeks back as no new adventures have come up. We will hit the road again thursday for a camp trip before school starts. Everyone here is fine and having good times finishing off summer. Madeleine starts grade One next week beleive it or not. Time does pass quickly when you are a grown up.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We have had a small break from the rigours of life in Revelstoke, camping for a few nights. Summit Lake is just a bit southeast of Nakusp and just far enough to seem like a real odyssey. The lake is shallow and warm so great for adults who have to manage kids. We had a great time with the Patry and Knauer families and could only have asked for a few more days.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cecilia turned two yesterday and we had a nice little party for her. She was very excited and very happy. She had asked for pink cake and that was all she was interested in. She loves cake and that is great she does and gets most things she wants because she is very cute. She is soft spoken but very direct, she has very expressive eyes and gestures plus her expressions reveal a vast range of feelings. She is just super cute.
It was a busy weekend here in Revelstoke and I cant wait to take some sort of break. Will started a soccer camp and is doing ok, just a bit shy or maybe not what he expected and Madeleine is busy playing and going to her programs on nature and history. Summer is going well and I guess we are having lots of fun.