Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Will and Cecilia are out for some fresh air, both suffering from a bit of a cold and both a bit grumpy. Above that thoughare the three all together with Mt Albert lit up behind and finally MadB at her Christmas concert, we'll get more of those up next.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Will got out for a ski on the weekend. It was a beautiful day. The three kids are getting pretty excited about Xmas, and we hope everyone else is as well. We had fun time picking things up for Josie today, MadB was particularly kean on the shopping and selection of gifts.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cecilia and I went for coffee with Belle. They wanted their photo done with the Christmas decorations.
Madeleine received the high five award last week for showing excellent qualities of studenting. You can see by the look in her eyes being photographed by dad was the only embarassing part.
Will is posing with the Xmas tree and his favourite ornament, except you can't see it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

CeeCee at gymnastics

MadB is going to help with some of these posts now so we will get fsome festive pictures up soon and get on more frequntly too. C just got her gymnastic pictures today we thought we should put them up.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I got to ski yesterday and there sure was a lot of snow. I did eight quick runs in 3 hours and found some really sweet snow even after showing at 1030. No pictures, though you can all check out the revelstoke mountain resort website ( ) to seee what you are missing. Also check out the Revelstoke Times Review website ( ) for some pictures of the bar's Movember photos. I have a cool mustache. Here is the sunset, Maddie and a snow man, and CeeCee's first haircut. Kids are fine just swimming and skating this weekend, probably skiiing next one.