Tuesday, April 24, 2012

William turned five yesterday, with a simple birthday dinner and some playtime with the Patry family. We will be having a street hockey party sunday. Madeleine had her Spring dance recital, and Cee Cee played in the feild with her pajamas on.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring is here, today was 18 Celsius and we have very little snow in the yard. The resort closed Sunday but there is still a lot of snow up high. If you want to make summer plans come to Revelstoke and visit us, we love company.
Will and CeeCee on Easter morning and MadB sewing her very own stuffy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

just some late season shots of snow and some more of the kids a few saturdays ago.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Busy week plus we have misplaced our cord for the big camera. Sorry about the lack of pictures. The snow has been retreating quickly and spring is certainly close. Everyone is good and march break was fun for MadB. Plenty of pay dates and time at the mountain. I have also been trying to get a Will videao uploaded but am experiencing some trouble. Here are some stills in the mean time.