Friday, August 24, 2012

Some biking photos. Mad and Will have done well this year with their progress on some moderate downhill trails. Up needs some work though, Will has a single gear and Mad can almost ride up the litttle trail in first gear.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

More Pictures from the camping and birthday extravaganzas

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well, well, well. I have no spare time any more. Work has tapped the hour here and the hour there when I could accomplish things. Drastic adjustments need to be made. The kids are happy and busy, CeeCee's bday party has passed and she is three finally. The pictures are her at her two parties, one out with her freinds and one at athe wading pool park with family and freinds.The camping pictures are of the trip mentioned previously. It was fun in retrospect, sickness and injuries forgotten except Lisa is still on crutches. We will have to get more out of summer soon as the nught s are cool already. I think we are having a great time. Billl and Paula are here, and Pam and Brian McDowell have been for a five day visit. That was a lot of fun for everyone here. Make your ski vacation plans now, we will have lots of room available.