Sunday, September 23, 2012

Since the last pest it has been haot and dry, every day about 20 to 25 c. It was a summer revival. We got out canoeing again, more biking and just spent time outside.
Will started hockey Wednesday night. It has been pretty fun and really tired him out. I will put pictures up in a bit.
Just a couple pictures from last year's Eagle featival in Canmore. Just getting organized to again this year and was looking for pictures on the blog bu tnever put any on.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

snow 2013

CeeCee started prescchool
today but we did not get a picture. Is this typical for kid 3? It is cool and wet,yes it seems early but i am amped for skking already. Will Started school Monday. He loved it and was happy to go back tuesday. MadB with the Summit dog who has been our charge since may. His dad will be back soon. MadB will be sad she loves him a lot

Friday, September 7, 2012

MadB and Will both started school on Thursday. Will's school career started in a way that did not surprise me at all. He stayed Home day one and two. He was sick with a high fever and flu like symptoms. He watched out he window as the kids went to school then rested all day on the couch. I am confident he can make it up. The New school is cool. I finally went in today and saw it was bright and airy with a spectacular view south. MadB seemed quite pleased to be back. Cee starts pretty school on tuesday.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Will decided he loves fishing and picked up casting without any real problems on our last camping trip. We went to a ropes course park for a treat before school starts. Summer seems to be winding down and William starts Kindergarten thursday