Friday, March 27, 2015


Looks like a huge gap through the winter. We were busy with work, hockey, skiing, gymnastics, and sleeping. We billeted a 17 yr old Junior hockey player which worked out really well. Cousin Tanner arrived and is living here until he gets established. Madeleine was in a play. MadB and CeeCee competed in ski races, and Will had several hockey tournaments. Apart from those things nothing remarkable. The kids are all happy and seem normal.

March 2015

March Break was lat week and we made a 4 day trip to Calgary. The Zoo, a Flames game, Disney in Ice and visiting were the highlights. It is transition season with most activities ending as we come into spring. Skiing was not too good this year but we still had fun anyway. Josie and I have been woking a lot to keep things rolling here.