Monday, January 31, 2011

I turned 40 years old this past Friday. It was a good weekend, with lots of fun and stuff. I had four of five days off so Josie and I went out once on our own and once to Lisa's and then we had a party last night. We had a good crowd with lots of good drinks and good food brought by many kind people. I even spent the whole morning yesterday on the hill trying to get my legs back into shape. Now I have hurt my knee though. The big kids and I are on our way up tomorrow as MadB is off school. Josie and I are going to sit down and watch a movie together tonight, a rare occurrence here. Wow I have had a fun and relaxing birthday weekend and I sure did need it.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Belated Birthday Jamie!!! Love the pic of you and Will! Glad to hear that you had such a good birthday weekend!
