Monday, December 27, 2010


So we did get a ski day in, and so did I, and also a second intro to Nordic this week, so the ski stuff is going and hopefully will continue right through late winter if not spring. I took Mad Bee and Will to the Ski hill Thursday before Xmas and they were impressed and impressive. No worries for Madeleine, she was straight off, down the bunny slope as her friends were there and she was eager to get after them. Lets see Lief and Freyja and Murdoch then Caleb, it was a real social gathering, don't forget Kaylin too. Will was also keen for fun and within three runs was calling to go alone. It was my best day out so far and I didn't even get my skis out. The social aspect of the ski hill really comes out with the kids and really increases the fun too. The only reason they wanted to call it a day was simply exhaustion. On to Nordic now, Santa brought them cross country skis for Christmas and we got out on them across the street for a little bit that day. Not as big of a thrill but when we get to the Nordic Centre for lessons on Saturday it will be a different story of fun with friends on groomed trails. The only trouble with the kids ski exploits is I forgot the camera both times but here are Tom and Jeff on Christmas eve and the bundled winter kids.

Merry Christmas

O HARK THE HERALD ANGELS I really need to find some spare time. We have been having fun here and Christmas was quite a show. The children had a lot of fun anticipating and participating in all sorts of Christmas fun. Getting right to the core Lisa and Josie were part of the organizing of a great Christmas Eve Day at the Bowling Alley and it turned out be even more fun and festive than it sounds. A great afternoon of Christmas visiting and playing all focused under the beautifulness of bowling. I hope it is a winning tradition. Christmas eve was quiet just waiting for Santa and helping get stuff set for him kept us up late enough we almost saw him. Christmas Morning everyone showed incredible restraint and waited until about ten after seven to hustle upstairs. Madeleine being five is tuned in to what Christmas and Santa are all about so she was electrified, and am sure I could still get a shock from her a few days later. CeeCee just giggled and smiled, marching around like she knew what was up and she did, it was fun and she was not going to miss any. William was just amazed I think. Hockey stuff, ski stuff, cars trains he could not absorb it and was pretty mellow and awe filled most of the time. He understands Christmas now and will really look forward to it next time it comes up in conversation and in the year. Lots of fun and the Patry's haven't even arrived yet.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


This is the rink a couple weeks ago and it is the looking pretty much the same after a mild damp week. Will and I chipped the icy crust away yesterday after a good night of negative ten or colder and were back in in business although a bit bumpy. We got out to the Forum two days in a row to skate also. Will and Brodie played some hockey yesterday and today he played with a bunch of big kids playing there. Mad and Brenn just skated and played yesterday and had a good girl time together I guess. Today MB and I skated and played chase games in between taking passes with Will. Maybe skiing tomorrow.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Xmas concert

Madeleine's School Christmas Concert is available on (search mountain view elementary Christmas concert 2010) or has it as its feature clip for a bit. She is wearing a Santa hat and is awesome, stage right. Brennan is in black just to her lower right and is also awesome. Brodie is top stage left and also pretty impressive if not totally awesome. If you know our other Friends just ask I will point them out. Her is a great photo in which you can see our house if you know where to look.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ski Pix

That picture of the mountain needs some help so everyone will come and visit us and come ski with me or I want to terrify my mother or make my brothers feel inferior. Who really knows, but seriously Someone needs to visit so I can take them skiing, any travel agents, hippy types or skiers out there? So that picture is from about 2600m, this other one is the same spot looking more downward. There is low cloud cover in the valley to the right that is the end of rogers Pass the trans Canada highway so probably at about 1000m. You can't ski all the way down here but behind me you can. Its a long way down, exactly 5620ft. So come and have fun in the snow we take visitors and we have fun. Also, think of that figure 5620, in the Santa parade picture, just off to Will`s left Greg Hill and his family watched the parade. He is one of Revelstokes ski celebs, he is skiing 2million vertical feet in one year, this year so almost there, all gained by hiking or skinning up his descents. Google him to get the details apparently the Globe and Mail did a feature on him a bit ago. cool


Since I last posted anything I have had four days of skiing in, well four 3 hour sessions I guess. The snow has been good and getting better almost daily. The kids skiing thing still hasn't worked out but will soon, William is asking about it every day. I am hunting for equipment still but will get him rentals if necessary. Madeleine has her first Christmas concert tomorrow and Cee Cee has two new teeth. I am really feeling uninspired to write much here as there always seems to be an obstacle to getting out the real good and fun goings on with us. For instance MadB is havigntrouble going to sleep and it just throws everything off a bit. I could easily say nothing is new and that is how I feel but the Santa Claus Parade rolled through town last Saturday and the kids really loved it. Then we went to a hockey game. We've been skating and just simply playing lots in the snow. We have the house decorated for Christmas and it is all coming so fast. I guess I am just getting overwhelmed at the pace here. I think I need a renewed focus on fun instead of just getting through the day. Mad had a dance recital, I have had crazy nights at work, the power was out for six hours, I shouldn't feel uninspired there is lots going on. If I wrote right after the hill I would go on forever about my runs and how sore my htighs are and how sweet it is to live by this mountain. My timing is just bad and we need to spend more time skiing that is the plain and simple answer. Next week MadB Will and I will ski in one discipline or the other everyday and I will write about it in the excitement of it all. I will let you know how it goes. The pictures are North Bowl at RMR on Saturday from Meet the neighbours entrance and waiting for Santa.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

This week

We have a quiet yet busy week here, most things like swimming and dance and gymnastics are ending for the season so we can get some real fun playing in now. I will hopefully get the kids up skiing this week as we are getting more snow today, about 10 cm I guess. Now the busy holiday season starts so lets see how much fun we really have, I will try harder to keep everyone posted on any real excitement.