Thursday, March 10, 2011

Well everyone is beginning to think spring around here. Skiing still dominates and everyone still wants to get out there but the desires for the snow to disappear from town seem to exist in everyone. Again on Sunday we spent the day skiing, and I also got several hours in myself Monday. Josie actually put skis on and did some runs with the kids while I took the other. This was Josie's first time on skis since she hucked herself off a cliff at Kicking Horse in 2007. She was great and even did the Tumblina run the kids love so much. MadB is doing great and really loves the social aspects of cruising around with her friends while Will loves the speed. All Will can say for the 20 minute ride down the Last Spike is "Go faster" and "Lets hit another jump".
We are still debating the Ontario visit, and things look unlikely as time just won't seem to permit us the visit we want to put in. We think we have a grasp on it financially kind of but work and other plans make next summer look like a certainty.
CeeCee loves toboganning and MadB before her last Nordic lesson representing team Canada.

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