Sunday, November 7, 2010

A space in my nose

I am back from Calgary and ready to enjoy a few days off here. I willtry to really get settled into this house before work gets busy again. There has been a tonne of rain which we would have loved trade for snow but it has been on the mild side for weeks it seems. I am keen to ski and Lake Louise has opened already so I am feeling weird about the long season Alberta enjoys albeit cold. Driving past Louise a few days back they are really just dusted and the Downhill course is all man made for the world cup in a couple weeks. The top of Our mountain has been bombardered with snow for a couple weeks, we just need some lower base to keep on track with the fast approaching opening day. I had day surgery in Calgary last week to remove a lot of polyps from my nostrils and sinuses, so my nose now works the way it did five years ago. Unfortunately we still have a kid in diapers and I am smelling all the odours I have happily been ignorant of. It smells good here outside unlike Inglewood which I beleive caused my problem in the first place. Revelstoke is moist and cedary and it actually smells like snow today. Josie mentioned this and I had to agree. She is my best life helpmate and oooey goooey wife without whom life would unbeleivably different and not as fulfilling with regards to family life and the smells of different preciptitation and all the great benefits acheived throughout and therein. I am not drunk but do feel strange still from the anaesthetic. I am also aware of a giant space behind my nose. I really love the kids and think they are cute probably because josie is cute. Anyway she said other people's husbands say nice things about their wives but I don't really beleive her. I can see husbands saying nice things about other people's wives but we realize these are qualifiied statements that have no real meaning because of the understood factors involved in the statement so noonne can really be introuble from wife or other husband, which may have more bearing so as not to decline in status as a dude. In summary I really think everyone is great and awesome especially my wife and all of her freinds.

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