Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wintery times

We can certainly say that winter has arrived here. Three good snowfalls now and the feeling is pretty serious that winter is here to stay for the next four or five months. I should be skiing Friday I hope although it is said to be pretty thin on the mountain still. William, is happy and will play outside in the snow all day doing whatever so we will get him skiing right away. Madeleine is quite happy in the snow and we will paly it by her feelings for her ski career. CeeCee has a great interest too, but Will seems the most passionate about snow. We are also trying to get a skating rink built and it is coming along slowly. We had a good cold week to start and now more snow to get a base done really well but it isn't terribly cold. There are many skeptics that outdoor rinks are not possible as the amount of snow and mild temps but I will try. The arena skating times don't fit our schedule well so it will be nice to skate whenever we want just like we were used to back in Inglewood.


  1. Good luck with the rink! We have a great neighbourhood rink and we love it :)

    We had a very small snowfall which the kids took good advantage of but its already gone :(

  2. OMG!! you have so much snow!! I bet Everett wished we lived out there with you guys!! We got like a cm on the weekend, gone now, and we were out with E making snow balls!! Love seeing all the pics of the kiddies!! Keep them coming!

  3. The kids look so happy in the snow, there's no doubt about it, kids love the stuff. Good luck with the rink, that would really keep the kids (and you two) active all winter long!
    I'm jealous of the snow, but not the cold that goes with it!

  4. Our snow is pretty crusty and compacted now but still fun enough. Thanks for the comments and come play in the snow sometime.
