Friday, November 12, 2010

the week of sick

We have had some sort of virus run through the house this week and the washer and dryer have been running nonstop right after it. CeeCee and I actually avoided it completely although she is working on her third cold this fall. Will puked on the seventh, Sunday I believe, then Mad and Jo followed each day after. Will was the most hilarious puker. Sitting reading a story before bed he looked a bit pale and had lagged a bit later in the day, Josie asked if he felt OK. Ya Momma, he replied but about ten seconds later he hurled a tsunami of brown curdles all over his bed. We had just finished setting up their new room an hour ago and had embarked on a fresh new sleep program designed to get them tosleep in and aid in their journey to the bathroom whilst half asleep. WE may try that again later but I would be surprised. He chucked up four pints probably and it smelled of incredibly pungent Asiago cheese and warm malt vinegar with a dash of bile. I was incredibly curious as too what had been consumed at the birthday party earlier that day. Within seconds he was sitting there covered in barf ready for the story to continue saying he was done puking momma. Well he was done and seemed to be pretty positive but was in bed once his sheets were changed and the cover disinfected and bed remade. When I returned from getting that laundry started for the 72 hour enduro session it was about to face they were all asleep. MadB was next on Mon she got the carpet in her room, which i am still scrubbing plus just a few dribbles on all sheets and blankets to warrant their laundering. She had a tougher time and was much more affected by her malady. She took it quite seriously even personally that she was sick. Josie tells me between wretches she would list off the things she was going to have to miss because she was sick wailing and moaning when she couldn't think of words fast enough also trying to sneak peeks in the mirror to see how she looked through all this . She had a lot of dry heaving and was up quite a bit compared to Wil. Again the laundry piled up then Josie's turn on tuesday. She did not get puke on anything thankfully. Proabably four loads of laundry a day average for three days plus rewash after everyone felt better, usually we do at least a load a day. Wow what fun. Wednesday everyone was back to the normal, Thursday we all fought for most of the day so i took my leave from 3-10 and accomplished many tasks like insulating a wall, repairing/butchering the bathroom floor and replacing the toilet. What a week.

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