Monday, June 20, 2011

I had an excellent Father's Day, ripping a quad muscle in soccer and crashing my bike attempting to launch off of root while on a fast downhill. Pretty sure I have a concussion and broken rib. Our family doctor was actually there and I said I would be fine, he just laughed and said to come in if the headaches started. It is funny that these are the things I am concerned about my young children doing and hoping they don't end up severely injured. At least I will have a lot of anecdotes for them to think about before they do anything too wild. This is also the first time I have actually felt 40, soccer and biking injuries within 24 hours, what a geezer. Will had his first mountain bike experience that afternoon at a friends party on Mt Revelstoke. He found it a bit bumpy but still pretty fun, trying tricks and jumps taking no heed of my cuts scrapes limps and bandaids.
MadB and I at soccer, this was her best game by a long stretch getting at least ten touches and even two shots on net. I got hurt in a mens soccer tournament, not the
U6 league. Will and Cee are great team red supporters

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of Cee with the mountains in the background, and glad you didn't get hurt at U6 out for those kids, they kick hard!
