Thursday, June 30, 2011

Madeleine finished Kindergarten yesterday, only three years now and Cecelia will also be well under way into school. Mad's class had a slide show and certificate ceremony and then a family picnic in the gym as it was a bit rainy. It was a pretty fun morning and Madeleine really seemed to enjoy herself and her classmates with a sense that she really had accomplished something. Only 12 years until she is out of high school with a real sense of purpose and reason which hopefully she will actually understand.
Earlier this week we went for a bit of a hike and play and beach time down at a nearby provincial park. We thought it would be quite quiet as it was Monday but Madeleine's school was there for the year end trip, no kindergarten on Monday so she wasn't already there. Turned out to be a fun time with lots of kids we knew to play with. This is Sutherland falls in the park.
I forgot to take the camera to kindergarten's last day we'll have to see of Lisa has some pictures of MadB.

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