Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Madeleine lost her first tooth. She was incredibly excited for days when it was loose, and very very proud when it came out. She acted as though a milestone has been reached in becoming a big girl

since friday

This will be the fourth time I have tried to write an entry since Friday. A busy few days have passed. We had a nice dinner for Will's Birthday followed Saturday morning by Madeleine's singing class performance. She is in a very urban and serious music class for kids. It seems fun and very well structured, Madeleine loves it. She even plays signing class with Will and Cecilia at home. Mad plays Miss Katherine the instructor, Will is an often troublesome boy and Cece just smiles. The show at the hall lasted about an hour and was plenty of fun. She will miss it if we move.
The home inspection occurred Saturday afternoon. I was incredibly stressed out by that but it went without issue. The deal will close Friday we hope, the prospective buyers are waiting for financing to be finalized.
The weather turned while we had to be out for the four hour inspection, and proceeded to snow gobs most of Saturday night. It has been wet and cool since. We have kept busy taking things to the dump in Tom's truck playing with the neighbourhood families and a fun morning at the bird sanctuary.
These are the things we will miss most if we do move. This neighbourhood has a realty special group of families that play together frequently. It is based around a group that meets at the Lantern Church and is a big part of our social life. The ladies even went for drinks and dessert at Nectar last night, a local spot for treats that is top notch. Lucky girls, group in general is great therapy for all involved. I can even attest to the therapeutic nature of the group. The year Josie went back to school I was home with little Bill and Mad B. Our days were pretty limited socially, I would walk four dogs and two kids in the Chariot every day and that would be about it. Things got to be be pretty dreary and dull for me and probably Mad as we really did not see many people. We did have lots of fun though. Playgrounds and parks, crafts and stories kept us busy. Alison reminded me of the playgroup when she started to take her son and we started to go again too. It made a huge difference in our daily outlook and fun simply by spending time playing and talking to others. This neighbourhood has a fantastic network of families that benefits individual mental health and really cements this community together. I will adress more about the another day as I could go on for pages.

Friday, April 23, 2010

will turns three

Today is Will's birthday. It is a fun thing to have. We had a great day especially him and he should. He started out a bit difficult and had his moments as the special guy syndrome gone to his head, but we all survived. Boys sure are different and unique. I recommend boys for everyone they are not necessarily easier or more fun but for dudes they are fun challenging educational and special all at the same time. Having started out with a girl I see a very distinct relationship, we already have a one of acceptance and understanding, we are both dudes, just here for the show . With Mad B it is syn pathetic and utilitarian, I love and adore her and I am her trained seal. Cecilia is too little still, although she has arrived at that point of interacting and playing with us by gesturing and moving all over. She is quite funny and will play me as well as the Mad B. She has a huge smile, a shag of hair and a real look of joy about her when she gets going. I need six coffees or a fifth of Bourbon to get to the same. Her fantastic demeanor does still wear thin when I want her to go to sleep at 8:30. Long days with preschoolers don't translate well to late nights with babies. Do not fear I was loving and patient and luckily when they ran out she went to sleep. Josie's parents are here too they were gong to be the back up plan. It all started with Willi's birthday and he was the star. Lunch at Avenue diner where he was treated like a king, a ride up the Tower and plenty of bike rides around the block
All in all a good day. Our friends Jim and Amy were here for dinner I had a fantastic bottle of Shug Carneros Chardonnay 2007 with Josie's house made pizza Some Bud light and I should feel like hell tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An offer has come in on the house which we have accepted. I am not getting hopes up as the conditions still need to be met and this is a 98 year old house. As far as I can tell there are no serious issues here at 2315. We have lived happily here for five and a half years and will continue to do so if things go poorly. Josie is quite fond of this house and fears leaving it but does still believe she needs to be out of the city. Apart from all this we have been having a stieg of beautiful days and the bustle of spring activity continues. The summer birds are arriving, leaves are budding daffodils and tulips are coming up, and I have dug and reseeded the grass where Sydney burned it out over the winter. This is year 11 at this dig turn chop topsoil seed rake. I hope this will end with a big yard in Revelstoke.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I need to form the blogging habit still but the interest hasn't waned yet for me and to keep y'all there I guess I should try to be daily here. Right now Cecilia and I are ON our own but have been left with some duties. Mundane held things and general baby play at which I often lack the creativity for. She has been left to crawl around the house and play with the dog.
Yesterday the two big ones and I went for a bike ride at 9:30 and stayed out until3:30. We went to the zoo intending just to see Spike and the girls (Indian elephants), and then play at Nellie Breen Park(we are actually on Google Street View at this park) but stayed at the zoo all day. We braved the scary new Dinosaur park after three or four visits where it was deemed too frightening to go by Will And Mad.
Got to go go for drinks after work with Willie who came down to see Brian and some other people from work, needless to say I am bit sleepy today.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring is coming to Calgary

We had two viewings yesterday around dinner time, but lucky for Josie the weather has finally turned to the pleasant. Life is a bit stressed preparing for house showings, engaging children in meaningful activity, meals, blogging(just trying to learn really), looking for new jobs, thinking of a new life in a quiet mountain town raising and supporting 3 kids at 39 old years. No wonder Josie and I are a bit edgy especially with each other. regardless we are lucky to have the three beauties and live in a great place already. Why do we want the upheaval and stress? The pursuit of a meaningful life in a place where we can enjoy the things we really love. Mountains Snow Bears Water and beer in big bottles i guess(Mt.Begbie). Also, building great relationships with each other and others who are like minded. I want out of this city I love even faster when I get wound up like that. Inglewood is great, and the access to every trapping of modern life a luxury, but they do tend to stifle true peace of mind i feel, at least I think maybe I'll tell you in a few years. Any how this is a great place to be if no one buys this house.
Madeleine is at Gymnastics, a new session back at Stampede City, Willie is on a date with Kate, and Cecilia is asleep. It is a beautiful day. we will likely be out all afternoon.
jamie h

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The beginning

The beginning could only be accomplished while the three are out. And this will be brief as I have to clean their house. I am the dad and will see where this leads.