Wednesday, April 28, 2010

since friday

This will be the fourth time I have tried to write an entry since Friday. A busy few days have passed. We had a nice dinner for Will's Birthday followed Saturday morning by Madeleine's singing class performance. She is in a very urban and serious music class for kids. It seems fun and very well structured, Madeleine loves it. She even plays signing class with Will and Cecilia at home. Mad plays Miss Katherine the instructor, Will is an often troublesome boy and Cece just smiles. The show at the hall lasted about an hour and was plenty of fun. She will miss it if we move.
The home inspection occurred Saturday afternoon. I was incredibly stressed out by that but it went without issue. The deal will close Friday we hope, the prospective buyers are waiting for financing to be finalized.
The weather turned while we had to be out for the four hour inspection, and proceeded to snow gobs most of Saturday night. It has been wet and cool since. We have kept busy taking things to the dump in Tom's truck playing with the neighbourhood families and a fun morning at the bird sanctuary.
These are the things we will miss most if we do move. This neighbourhood has a realty special group of families that play together frequently. It is based around a group that meets at the Lantern Church and is a big part of our social life. The ladies even went for drinks and dessert at Nectar last night, a local spot for treats that is top notch. Lucky girls, group in general is great therapy for all involved. I can even attest to the therapeutic nature of the group. The year Josie went back to school I was home with little Bill and Mad B. Our days were pretty limited socially, I would walk four dogs and two kids in the Chariot every day and that would be about it. Things got to be be pretty dreary and dull for me and probably Mad as we really did not see many people. We did have lots of fun though. Playgrounds and parks, crafts and stories kept us busy. Alison reminded me of the playgroup when she started to take her son and we started to go again too. It made a huge difference in our daily outlook and fun simply by spending time playing and talking to others. This neighbourhood has a fantastic network of families that benefits individual mental health and really cements this community together. I will adress more about the another day as I could go on for pages.

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