Friday, April 16, 2010

Spring is coming to Calgary

We had two viewings yesterday around dinner time, but lucky for Josie the weather has finally turned to the pleasant. Life is a bit stressed preparing for house showings, engaging children in meaningful activity, meals, blogging(just trying to learn really), looking for new jobs, thinking of a new life in a quiet mountain town raising and supporting 3 kids at 39 old years. No wonder Josie and I are a bit edgy especially with each other. regardless we are lucky to have the three beauties and live in a great place already. Why do we want the upheaval and stress? The pursuit of a meaningful life in a place where we can enjoy the things we really love. Mountains Snow Bears Water and beer in big bottles i guess(Mt.Begbie). Also, building great relationships with each other and others who are like minded. I want out of this city I love even faster when I get wound up like that. Inglewood is great, and the access to every trapping of modern life a luxury, but they do tend to stifle true peace of mind i feel, at least I think maybe I'll tell you in a few years. Any how this is a great place to be if no one buys this house.
Madeleine is at Gymnastics, a new session back at Stampede City, Willie is on a date with Kate, and Cecilia is asleep. It is a beautiful day. we will likely be out all afternoon.
jamie h

1 comment:

  1. so you are moving to Revelstoke? Be careful I here there is an avalanche lurking around every corner :-)
