Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pictures experiment and Independence

I am all set here. I think this is the first time in ages I have woken up with nothing to do. I went for a run, read, sat around and wondered what to do, and then decided to go spend the big city gift cards in my wallet. The stores are not in Revelstoke if you wondered, no Chapters, no Bay, amd no, no Ikea. What a shocker to all city dwellers, not to be able to run out Ikea whenever you need a cheap rug or cutain or pot or unusual light bulb only available there. I cannot wait to be free of the trappings of commerce, no Winners no Superstore oh yay I am liberated. O no wait I am wrong I will buy ski stuff and bike stuff and will happily shop a the local bookstore, we will be her new best customer We devour books at a rate that shocks me. So long Chapters, hello small reatiler. I should remember the store name as Mad B and Will B have already met the owner and her dog, they are both quite friendly. The CeeCee Xmas gift card to chapters from my parents was good though because I found a book I have been trying to claim from my parents house for years, Richard Scarry's Best Story Book Ever. Now CeeCee has it, but I still want the old one if any one is paying attention. I will make trades if necessary, I have some great 80's crap rock albums of questionalble ownership. Not that Rush is crap,or these album's owners are in question but I have decided that Spirit of the Radio is one of the greatest rock and roll songs ever. Thanks Alex, Geddy and Neil, hey is my nephew named after A. Lifeson, I have always wondered where that was from. Probaly Alex Tanguay of the Calgary Flames though, yes that sounds right. Any how Books are good and rock and roll saved the world especially the Russians. If Burt Bacharat played the Soviet Union in a polyester leisure suit do you think all those Russians would have wanted to join the free world. Any way we are all living in mixed economies now, yes especially all my american cousins, isn't Frredom great. Hey Yes, Happy Independence day too, good going. Hopefully soon we'll ditch the monarchy too, time to be big kids I think. I will put the PBS independence day special on at work in kind regards to the USA for buying our stuff and being a good neighbour. USA USA. I will play my fave USA band too good ole WILCO.
I am trying a picture of the funny files before I go searching for me and Lil'Bill on Constitutional Democracy Day, last year. Don't use Olympus' digital camera software it is very limiting.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is you closest to the camera, then Jeff and Kevin. Tom was the photographer!
