Sunday, July 25, 2010

Very Hot

It has been a hot string of days here, luckily not too much to do. Splashed in our yard after lunch hit the basement by three to stay cool and I went riding. I took my camera but neglected to take any pictures. I remembered beer and so did Jeff so that was fun afterward. William had a sleepover at Brodies and it went very well as far as I know. Lisa tells us he was awake until about eleven, he told her his eyes just would not shut. I am sure he was just excited to be included in such a grown up event like staying over without mommy and daddy. Bren stayed with MadB, after dinner at Lisa's and a trip downtown for the evening music, they were asleep astonishingly quick and did sleep to seven or so. Little Bill was up at six. \More Giant cedars trail.

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