Friday, October 29, 2010

The house is coming along slowly and I have to get a nose procedure done in Calgary later this week. These are the big things on the brain these days. Work is slow and it is rainy still. Halloween is fast approaching and we did have our first taste of it today with Madeleine's class party. The shcool had a dress up day, and every friday there is an asssembly for the whole school first thing in the day. I took C and Wil dressed in their costumes and it was quite fun, it even turned out the place we play after,also at the school, was doing a dressup day so it worked out nicely. That was until CC found the paints and decided to get messy. She started out a fresh little tomato and quickly transfromed into a rotten one with colourful mould. The big kids at school had a dance which we checked out for a bit before a quick visit to Madb's kindergarten Halloween party. Unfortunately I was not thinking clearly and forgot the camera. Hopefully Lisa got some photos today, otherwise we will surely get some Sunday Night for trick or treating. Mad was a hula girl, and wil a cowboy today, we will see what they decide on for Sun. I need a costume myself for work Saturday night as we are hosting a big halloween party at work.

1 comment:

  1. House looks all neat and tidy in these pics! You guys look like you're sorting everything out, and the kids are smiling, that's all that matters!
