Monday, October 25, 2010

The never ending junk pile

Wow, we have a lot of stuff, junk or whatever it may be. I believe everything can be useful someday but I and probably mistaken. There is still stuff over in the rental house and still unpacked boxes here, and our labelling system in Calgary failed. The other day Will wanted to draw Spiderman but I couldn't locate a red marker or crayon. We are living in house chaos and i think the kids are hitting a stress plateau that demands some kind of order or routine. I feel that after today most of their stuff is here and accessible at least by me or Josie and there are regular patterns of at least meals and sleep and the weekly things like dance and swimming. I think we have been neglecting the settling in to play with them too much and not focussing on getting the daily grind and order established. Who will ever know what is the best balance. We will make it but there will be things to sort in the decade to come whether they are junk or behaviour.

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