Monday, October 18, 2010

wow we are busy

I can't believe I haven't put anything up for almost 2 weeks. We haven't been hooked up the the inter web for too long either I guess. sorry if anyone actually misses us but we a re all the same as always. Trying to get things organized here is tricky with both of us working and MB at school and CeeCee having naps. Maybe soon we will get settled in. Any way I don't have much time and no big news anyway. We had a great thanksgiving with the Patrys and the Nielsens, Guess we were fortunate to have people take care of us while so busy. I hope everyone else had lots of fun too.


  1. Thanks for the update! I've been thinking about you guys lots in the midst of our own busyness :) the fall is such a time of adjustment, i find, after summer.

    so, our official plan in to save our butts off this winter/spring and make a car trip out this coming summer/fall. we're going to skip mexico and devote our saving to this. josie, i'm sorry that it won't happen this fall like i hoped :( , but we decided to save the $ for a trip for all of us.

    Take care!

  2. I will tell Josie Amanda and you will have lots of fun.

  3. sound wonderful Amanda. We can't wait to see you and I can't believe you love me so much that you are skipping Mexico:)
