Saturday, October 2, 2010

Moe about two weeks ago

Wow I only got to Friday on that trip so I guess I am probably being a little too detailed. Saturday we did the pool again and MadB went down the waterslide about six times after showing Josie her new bravery Friday evening, then lunch and then sight seeing again. We went to an art gallery at which there was a cool exhibition by two local women who work with fabric. The whole project was a maze of hangings with all sorts of interesting things concerning consumerism, packaging and regeneration, very interesting for the kids as there were hands on aspects. Next we visited the Dukhobor heritage centre, right next door. It was basically a cultural and agricultural commune/colony big into fruit growing a maintaining their culture. Verigin was one of their infamous leaders who was infamously assassinated by local government and business concerns, so goes the story. There is a lovely bronze statue of Tolstoy who was a major financial backer of the colony and their journey from Russia plus a beautiful suspension bridge they built across the Kootenay river as it meets the Columbia. Big fun and we kept busy at the library and the local museum until Josie was ready to go. We left for Nelson to spend the night . Nelson is a beautiful town and we never seem to give ourselves much time there but will one of these days. Beautiful setting and beautiful buildings and lots of interesting shops and things going on. We stayed overnight there and were gone again 14 hours later. The road travels north up the Kootenay Lake and is one of the most beautiful drives I’ve ever been on although it did rain all day. Cottages and sailboats lined the lakeshore giving a rustic atmosphere rather than the more commonly seen condo developments that pass for vacation properties these days. Big highlight if the trip on Sunday was the Ainsworth Hotspings perched on a steep mountainside above the lake. Here is a picture of me in the cave pool there. The kids were to scared to go in the cave which probably shows good instincts as it is pretty creepy,you go in about 15m. There is a nice big pool outdoors which they loved.

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