Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dinner with Jim

Jim took me and our friend Allie out for dinner last night at the Cattle Baron. It is a favorite of him and his Dad's so I thought I should try it. I did have a steak and it was good. I think the last time I had one was at the Cattle Baron in Montana, at least I think it was called the Cattle Baron. Steven Coon and I had just come out of 6 days in Glacier and that steak was great. That trip was great. We had some great California zinfandel from some producer I can't recall, it has a German kind of name. Last night I just had beer. A good night all round, I saw some more people to bid adieu to and was home by midnight. Thanks to Jim. Today I ran errands . Wow how exciting.
That picture below was our drop for Canadian Diabetes Association. It was a lot of stuff. This picture is Madeleine @ one and a bit I think it was fall. we were at the zoo with J. Sharpe.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So much fun here. Cleaning fixing and moving stuff,that is what I did today. When we moved in Patrick G. and I moved thebedithrough the back window as it would not up the stairs. The window was replaced when I redid Madeleine's Sky Blue Sky room. Brian P. and I tried to get the box spring down on moving day last week. Our time was limited so we left it hoping the new owners might want it. We did not get a response so Scott G. said to get it out to avoid any issues. Here is what I did. I cut a three inch section out of the cross members on the wood frame. Then I strapped it tight with about a 45 degree angle and pushed it down. Easy and it did not take that long. Next I will wrap it in plastic and strap it to the top of the van and drive like a dork to Revelstoke with it. I talked to the two big kids today but they were toobusy playing withthe Patry'stogive me much time. Thanksfor cutting the grass Tom.

Monday, June 28, 2010

moved to Revelstoke

We are practically finished the move to Revelstoke. I took a 26' U-Haul from Calgary on Thursday and we've been unpacking ever since. I am back in Calgary to finish things around here and work one final week at the Marriott Hotel. The move went well and so far everyone seems happy. William keeps saying he wants to live there forever and ever. It already seems apparent that Madeleine is noticing the freedom of space that a small town allows, she will walk further away from me in comfort and seems to hold hands because she likes to not for security and safety. There is a real sensation of liberation there, our personal spaces seem to have grown by at least four fold. Cecilia is happy too as long as Josie is nearby when she wants her. She is still mostly smiles and cuteness. Now if only Josie and I can find rewarding work.

Monday, June 21, 2010


I took some pictures of the yard without the play equipment to post, but I left the camera cable in the camera bag which is in Revelstoke with the kids. Old photos it will have to be as yesterdays might have told you. That one is about one month ago, as the yard is junglesque now with all the rain. Wow, do I ever feel a great deal of anxiety, I wish I could have some fun but cannot. I work with Brian tonight for the second last time perhaps, so I will try to have fun. I think I have a good grasp on the packing as Josie did do lots before she left. I spent from 800 hrs to now, 1345 hrs, packing the kitchen. I got a 15kg garbage bag and filled the recycler twice. Thanks to our neighbour Molly and her bin, I have about 350 litres of recycling this week. Well I should go, it looks stormy to the west.
Madeleine had her kindergarten orientation at Mountainview P.S. this afternon, and I am sure she had fun.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here we go

Josie and the kids left this morning for Revelstoke. The adventure is truly taking shape and well started. I have decommissioned the backyard play zone and started the momentous task of packing the rest of this place up. Josie has already packed a lot of stuff and we have gotten rid of an unbelievable amount too.
It was a good week visiting and saying farewell. Playgroup at the Lantern had a nice session to see us off. We had four or five other special get togethers also. A staggering change and shock to our lives has occurred and it is fun.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

wow all weeks are quick.

Josie and the kids leave In 4 days. I will move house in 1 week and still no one has volunteered to help. Where are my people. Anyway no big deal I will find help or maybe I should get some. It is still raining and we have had one really nice day. We did some running around town on the bike Chariot and it felt like summer. June is rainy, remember the centennial swell.

Friday, June 11, 2010

more the quick week

We had a trip to the BarU ranch. It is part of the National park system and is incredibly cool. I cannot exaggerate how much the kids enjoyed it and I simply love being in that foothills geography. Josie wore a red jacket and bought us a cookie to share.

One quick week

We have had a very quick week here. The Patry's came in from Revelstoke to visit us and see the Gunn's before they return to Ontario. Friday night Tom and I got Josie's sale signs up and rounded up some change for her. Tom's been away from the big city for two years now and was so impressed by the bright lights and throngs of people we had to stop for a beer at a local Stephen Avenue patio. The Ironwood beckoned us in on the way home too. We just needed more beer so we could feel really good the next day as we ushered the kids on a city tour and errand extravaganza. Our kids were pretty thrilled to wake up and find Brody and Brennan at our house and then the fun didn't stop until nine that night. We started with a trip to MEC for some gear then a C-Train ride for the kids and a tour of Olympic plaza and city hall, lunch at Spolumbo's where cheese and pickles were tops, and then the zoo until about four. What a day we all had. We returned to news of a not so successful garage sale and a call to go to the Gunn's for more fun and play. Wow, were the kids and grown ups exhausted.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Garage Sale

We are having a garage sale Saturday to try to lighten our load before we run down the road. Every year since we've lived here Josie has said she would hold a mighty garage sale. Six springs, one garage sale. It hasn't actually happened yet so we may still be zero for six. I think the kids will have fun but Josie wants to ship them out for the day. i feel it could be a great lesson in commerce and a real social event for them, but you know whose opinion will prevail. I will leave and Josie will hawk all of our best treasures. Madeleine's feather collection, will Flames game program collection, my hockey cards and albums, I am worried.
We have kind of got ourselves into a routine of mayhem trying to get packed. The kids don't seem to care as and do pretty well even as all things in the house disappear and dwindle. I just hope the positive attitudes remain and this is a successful and fun family adventure.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Moving sooner

We are moving up the date of departure and will be gone by July. We better get to work as we just gave away two weeks of readying time. We are having a garage sale this weekend if anyone wants to sift through our stuff. Everything is for sale at the right price. This picture is from Prince's Island Park where you can actually get some really neat sight lines with park and skyscraper, and kids I guess too.