Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So much fun here. Cleaning fixing and moving stuff,that is what I did today. When we moved in Patrick G. and I moved thebedithrough the back window as it would not up the stairs. The window was replaced when I redid Madeleine's Sky Blue Sky room. Brian P. and I tried to get the box spring down on moving day last week. Our time was limited so we left it hoping the new owners might want it. We did not get a response so Scott G. said to get it out to avoid any issues. Here is what I did. I cut a three inch section out of the cross members on the wood frame. Then I strapped it tight with about a 45 degree angle and pushed it down. Easy and it did not take that long. Next I will wrap it in plastic and strap it to the top of the van and drive like a dork to Revelstoke with it. I talked to the two big kids today but they were toobusy playing withthe Patry'stogive me much time. Thanksfor cutting the grass Tom.

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