Monday, June 28, 2010

moved to Revelstoke

We are practically finished the move to Revelstoke. I took a 26' U-Haul from Calgary on Thursday and we've been unpacking ever since. I am back in Calgary to finish things around here and work one final week at the Marriott Hotel. The move went well and so far everyone seems happy. William keeps saying he wants to live there forever and ever. It already seems apparent that Madeleine is noticing the freedom of space that a small town allows, she will walk further away from me in comfort and seems to hold hands because she likes to not for security and safety. There is a real sensation of liberation there, our personal spaces seem to have grown by at least four fold. Cecilia is happy too as long as Josie is nearby when she wants her. She is still mostly smiles and cuteness. Now if only Josie and I can find rewarding work.

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