Monday, September 20, 2010

A little trip

Our trip through the Selkirk mountains was a great success, Josie was trained, we swam, went to see the sights and had plenty of family fun and stress. We started out after a very busy day of school and gymnastics Thursday, burdened by getting the conditions met for the house offer before we left. It was very last minute and unnecessarily so for the things should have been squared away days ago. Probably all my fault for procrastinating and being distracted by kids and trying to have a good time and work. But it got finished and hopefully by Wednesday we will know for sure that all is well with the purchase. Back to our little trip now, it poured rain all day Thursday and a lot of the weekend too but we made the best of it albeit wet. The ferry ride was well timed and dry, there were rainbows and sunbeams through the cloud and we ate sandwiches in the van. CeeCee’s car seat was for a while forward facing as she is over one and big. All these things plus mountain driving ended in her car sickness a while later, right at Summit Lake where we camped this past summer. A half hour later we stopped again for a stretch and play at Silverton as everyone was being so good and we knew they had a good park. A while later back in the car William puked. Josie caught this one with a food container and good thing too as it was pretty liquid. I think he chugged a whole half litre water bottle after Silverton. C’s barf was thick and chunky, real easy to clean up only it was everywhere, on her car seat and its side and straps, her cloths, the van seat and its cup holder, the floor of the van and a toy. It was luckily sunny when we had to get out and clean this small break in the cloud our little break that day. MadB was superb the whole time keeping busy and only asking “are we at Castlegar yet” about seventy times. Nonetheless Josie was stressed out and simply wanted to get there to get her kids to bed. C and Will both slept the last three quarters of an hour and MB looked about as excited as she could be to see the hotel and Castlegar. We finally made it in and got them to bed in good time we, stayed in bed too. The Super8 breakfast was a hit with fruit loops and waffles plus a water slide and pretty nice pool. We took Josie to work and discovered that Castlegar is a pretty cute city. More on this trip later and there is a lot more for three days in the rain we were busy.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, too much barf info for the likes of me, and did you notice your son is climbing the suspension bridge??
