Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Friday morning after dropping Josie off for her course we went back to the hotel to go for a swim. We had a pretty fun time with the area all to ourselves, the highlight for everyone being the waterslide. Madeleine went down by herself five times and would have continued but CeeCee was getting a bit testy. We went up and got ready for lunch for which they behaved and ate in great form. I was relieved and pleased with all three of them I am sorry to disappoint you but no wild behaviour stories where the three gang up on me and make me look like a crazed buffoon in a kiddie food fight. Next we went for a walk so C could get a nap and the other two could run about. Will is C’s sleep monitor saying “ Her eyes are open or CeeCee is asleep” and that was the message before we left the parking lot. She did not even stir when I transferred her to the Chariot. We went to Zuckerberg Island where a chapel was built for Russian immigrants, I am not sure how they are related but here was a larger Dukhobor settlement there as well. We crossed on a suspension bridge to which the Chariot barely fit and was stuck several times. Meanwhile this is supposed to be closing day for the house and I am fielding calls from the mortgage broker and realtor. So I get to the far side which has a gate and I don’t fit. Will and MB are already ahead and running around just off the bridge where there was a five metre crater that really had them enthralled. Next there were people coming behind and I was still on the phone I could not corral the bigs so I forced the gate to open in reverse as I have noticed it comes open wider that way and I luckily made it through without tipping out or waking up CeeCee. No drama there either, all was well, so we tour around finding graves and cool carvings and the chapel and the two had a blast exploring and discovering. That is that and we end our time together playing outside of Josie’s course at a great park with playground and splash park. Will figured out how to get the water running there and got himself a little misty. It was only about fifteen degrees but luckily sunny. Madeleine soaked herself as she thought Will was having too much fun in there and had to join in, all the while I am changing C’s diaper and getting the deal done on the phone again with the realtor. Also a nice family had two little parrots and a dog so MB had essentially joined them for about a hour playing with the birds. So we had some fun and did some stuff. This picture is the suspension bridge and I was on a little land bridge found later to easily return the Chariot on. The kids are getting brave.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome trip - good for the kids that they behaved so well and enjoyed it. Oh, and the bridge doesn't look so high - I'm not as worried as I was in the last post.
