Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mountainview school

Here is Mad at school. Not much else happening right now, still waiting on house news and trying to get into some sort of rhythm. At Mountainview Elementary, MB has a lovely view of Mt. Begbie, and is right across the street from the river. It is a wonderful setting amongst tall cedars with Mt. Revelstoke as the backdrop. The beautiful old building and it setting inspire something soothing as there seems to be a living atmosphere of community and caring there. Even Will joined in with Brodie at recess Friday when we picked up MB and all the kids played just like he belonged there. Even CeeCee who was set to be trampled by seven or eight ten year olds was given way to as they paused their game for her well being. There are nice kids here as I have mentioned before. MadB's class has Guinea Pigs and she got permission to take Will into see them Friday. she is thoughtful and nice a lot of the time.

1 comment:

  1. What a great big sister!
    I love the picture of the two kids left in the nest - they look like they're living it up!
