Thursday, September 9, 2010

My apologies for no recent posts or updates. Between getting our things together for this house offer and my quick visit to Calgary I have had no time for fun. And again this connection is strange as I did lose two attempts due to lost connectivity. It seems to be associated with damp weather from if that is possible as the several hot dry weeks we had no issues.
CeeCee is really getting interested in walking and does find herself quite clever when she tries. She has really taken to it even since I first wrote this bit two days ago. I believe she could even be a toddler now. She is very funny and cute and seems to like being a little sister to the two rowdy gorillas who live here. She has no problem telling them to change what they are doing because she is not happy with it and has even on a couple of occasions attempted to slug or bludgeon with a toy her very caring and doting brother Will. Will doesn’t even notice as she still lacks any power to really affect him. He is not yet really sharp enough yet to read her body language or even see the rage in her face to figure out he should stop. Madeleine on the other hand does respond well to C’s signals and doesn’t hang around when she gets testy. MadB starts school in a couple of days now and is really looking forward to it. She wanted to buy a gift for her teacher today while we were at the market but we couldn’t settle on something subtle yet useful, and inexpensive. I negotiated for taking flowers out of the garden that Pauline has here. I suggested that this would be a great gesture as the little girl who lives in this house is away and will be joining her kindergarten class later. This way when she returns to Revelstoke we can tell her that some of her flowers went for the teacher from her and Madeleine. MadB liked the sound of that.
It is incredibly overcast and wet here. I have a funny feeling that when I was excited about the snow at higher altitudes last week that it was also the start of fall/winter. I really expected more hot weather. We are stuck in a cloud more or less and are expected to be so for several months.
We had some more company yesterday albeit briefly plus I worked. The Sara Nick Honour and Imogen family visited overnight and the kids loved it. Thanks for the visit and come back again, and everyone else too for that matter. I can’t enjoy all this snow by myself can I.

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