Thursday, September 9, 2010

Madeleine has gone to school

The previous posting was started a week ago. What a crazy life we have here, it is just go go go and no time to keep things organized. CeeCee is walking all the time now and MadB has finished her second day of kindergarten. Will is maintaining the status quo.
It is a simple pleasure that I have discovered with CeeCee that I only have to bend over far enough to put her in a standing position now. Also an indicator of haw aged I am becoming. She has taken several long strolls and not had any crash issues yet.
MadB has really enjoyed school albeit the days are only an hour and a half so far, Tuesday begins full morning sessions. Josie took MB on day one as C was napping so Will and I had a good time to play together. We sculpted clay and played hot wheels. It is nice for him to get the full attention I am sure and it is kind of fun to hang with the dudes. Today we worked on our bikes in guy time. Will, C and I took MB today as Josie worked. It was fun to see her zip right in there like she was doing it for years. I think she will be a bit of a keener. Will really wants to go too now but he is going to have to settle with dad time.


  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful busyness to your household right now :)

    we've had lots of cool, cloudy weather here too, the kids are loving it, neither of them are real fans of hot weather, unless they are in water that is!

    ayla got her hair cut today and it looks just like maddy's. perhaps one day i will get around to posting a picture :P

    speaking of pictures, it'd be great to see one of your walking cecilia - hint hint :)

  2. Hey amanda it is cool here 10 months if the year. The nurses here all seem to be cool and have fun too.
    I' work on walikg photos

  3. I LOVE that picture! I kept a copy for myself, it was so great. Congratulations Madeleine!!!
