Monday, August 2, 2010

Cecilia is ONE

Today is Cecilia`s first birthday and we are having company over for the occasion. It is also the first time we have had guests at this house. I hope it goes well and CC has some fun. She took two steps last night but that is it. We will see how she does today. She woke up a bit grumpy so it may be a challenge with the crowd and the mood.
It is nine hours later now and Cecilia is on her first trip to the Revelstoke Hospital. She was primarily grumpy with about an hour of grace after some baby Tylenol and cake and milk but after her party she went right down for a quiet sleep. A hour later she was writhing throughout the bedroom, looking like a candidate for exorcism. Completely out of character and no strange foods or incidents. Josie has just phoned and she is asleep but whimpering, going to emergency regardless.
The birthday party was a lot of fun and we all had a good time. Great times especially for Will, who had so much fun he had to have a cool out session in the house and don't forget all the kids in the pool and sandbox. I hope the other parents had as much fun as I did cleaning kids. It was her craziest party ever I hope.

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