Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What has happened since last blogging. Well the prize goes to Amy as she was our first visitor, she won the pleasure of being roused from her slumber several days in a row by the lovely MadB and the wild Willie. Plus we even let her take us to dinner one night for which our gratitude will forever be extended. Who will come next, I promise we will take the full extent of what you will offer us. And we will show you some fun and open at least one great bottle of wine. I had a lot of fun with Amy and I know that the kids and Josie did as well. We saw many sight and had many adventures plus her dog Max saved us from at least three or four cougar attacks. We also had a nice little camp trip for two nights. We returned with a few wounds, MadB and WillB both have lacerations around their eyes, Madeleine’s the more serious of the two. William tripped over a root and hit Sydney’s makeshift bowl, a stainless steel garbage can with a rolled edge that needed just a bit more of a roll for Will. Madeleine has been riding without training wheels and crashed into a tree. That one could have been prevented by me maybe but I am not sure so won’t worry too much. I think I have already mentioned this but it is ten and Cee Cee is still awake so good day. JH

1 comment:

  1. Aww, too bad about the injuries, glad to hear that it wasn't so much fun that someone actually had to lose an eye. You had just nearly enough fun, it seems. Take care! :)
