Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some more camping

We are on our way to a nearby campground today. It is right on the water of lake Revelstoke, the Columbia river between two dams. I cannot wait to go swim in frigid water on a hot humid day. The kids are pretty excited too, they love that trailer and always look forward to campfires. Josie knows how to make s'mores and they like that. MadB is riding her bike in straight lines without the training wheels and for as long as the alley. Very exciting and liberating as I think the training wheels only inhibit and injure. They should be banned right along with other social ills like incandescent bulbs. No news on Will and CC is still just doing little walks.
My new job is going pretty well. I like it a lot and hope the best of it, I am not getting as much sleep as I have been the last two months, but I will adjust. I encourage everyone to come visit. This is a fun town and I have a fun place for everyone to hang out in now so come visit, my kids miss you all very much.


  1. trust me, i'm working as many shifts as i can get , hoping i'll be able to come for a visit soon :)

  2. I'll be on the next flight - put the S'mores on!
