Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fun is different now that I work

I have started a full time job for August that was only supposed to be part time. I am serving tables and no too thrilled about it. It is good money and the food is good so I will give it some time and see. So this means summer fun has got to be adjusted, I need to keep track of the time and groom myself a bit. Neither is too fun. The kids really don't notice as we went to three Valley Gap yesterday and visited a ghost town and a cool train museum/collection. They had a tonne of fun and were exhausted. Cecilia has done a four step walk, a three step walk, and a two step walk this week and still prefers to crawl. She is completely recovered from her malady whatever it was. the prognosis was swelling in throat and ears some sort of virus. I must go to work.


  1. This is totally the anxiety talking but, gulp, how did you guys manage while he was up there!?!?!?
    Michelle :)

  2. I wasn't there Michelle or I would have been having a fit:( And the drop is really not as far as it looks!
