Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday was busy

Madeleine had a tea party with three friends and I am told it was a great success for the kids and neighbours. Will and I went for a nice walk in the woods for about two and half hours to go see Begbie falls. He did very well only needing to be carried for about fifteen minutes. We also had a boys lunch out where we got to sit on a ski lift for our chair, eat french fries and then go look at the toy store after we finished. This toy store also turns out to be a sports memorabilia store too with cards old and new. That night we were invited out for dinner where there were seven other kids and a great yard to play in. After getting home and Cecilia in to bed the remaining four family members stayed up to watch the meteor showers. I also got a new job as a bartender in a pub. What a busy day and it was all fun.


  1. that sounds like a really great day! good luck with the new job :)

  2. Thanks Amanda, I fell pretty good about it, like somewhere I could spend a whole day.
