Tuesday, May 11, 2010

the cute baby

Here is Cecelia, or is she Cecilia. I can't spell my own kids name half the time. Anyway we love her very much and rarely call her Cecilia. She gets Peachy, Peaches, Peach, CeeCee, CeeBerryBee, and MeeMoo. This last one we give time outs for as both Josie and I find it very irritating. This will probably be her permanent handle as hard as we try to rid the vocabulary of it. She is just so cute and she is also very smart and funny. I hope I don't give her a complex about her name.


  1. she is so cute!! and i love the nicknames :) especially meemoo, maybe i'll start using that one. you can't time me out from calgary :P

  2. Just to confirm for everyone (and her Daddy), her name is spelled Cecilia!

  3. Thank you - glad to know the correct spelling! She is SO cute! You'll have to do an individual profile on each of the kids: likes, dislikes, favorite band, favorite friend of Mom's who lives in Japan, etc.
