Monday, May 10, 2010

Madeleine turns Five

As I seem to say every time, we have been busy. Madeleine turned Five, Mother's Day passed and there was a trip to Stars On Ice. I really did not do much for mother's day as I am a jerk, if you see my mom tell her I phoned. I did get tickets for Josie to take her Mom and for her kids to take her to see figure skating. William rejected the idea at first as he did not want to see figure skating but wanted to watch hockey. These were his words, no gendered influence from anyone about males not liking figure skating. He bought into the idea as going to a show and taking his Mommy out. Relating this to us moving, as I will probably do with most ideas or things discussed, we will miss the Inglewood ice. We are half a block away form three outdoor surfaces and we skated at least 60 times. Will got to be quite proficient and Madeleine was unbelievable and inspired. As far as I know there are no outdoor rinks in Revelstoke, but the Forum is quite a bit easier to access for public skating. Hopefully we don't miss much in skating this winter.
Madeleine turned five Saturday. She wanted to go to the carousel market, which is a local mall that happens to have a carousel. She loves this and always wants to go, but not being mall people she never gets to go. Well we had lunch out at Joey Tomato's and it was a good time for all us. Madeleine is obsessed with being a big girl and this suited her perfectly. Then we ventured into the mall. It was nuts, albeit a Saturday afternoon. The ride was fun then she had an ice cream, and was allowed to pick two books at Chapters. It was full full of people just sitting on the floor reading the books. It looked like a University library at crunch time for papers. I don't get it, there a billion beautiful places to go sit and read near by. Mommy made stir fry and chocolate cake at MB's request. We had some adult company and had fun. I guess we better have a kid party before we go as neither birthday had a wild mass of kids here. I will work on that.
Cecelia has four teeth through now so she is sleeping sounder and cuter than ever.


  1. hey!

    i'm excited you started a blog! i love reading them and it's great to get more of a glimpse into your "world". i have one too, but i haven't posted since february, i've been a bit lazy about it.


  2. Hooray, a picture of Josie! Happy Birthday Madeleine!
