Thursday, May 27, 2010

They call it Spring

Hey it is snowing wet and cold in Calgary. Finally I am back to fill everyone in on all the excitement around here. The week was OK family wise. We have all been sick and under rested, but I hope are all better now. Believe me it sure was a grumpy household. Madeleine was the only one to escape the malady and kept up a great attitude with all grumps here. As I mentioned last week we cancelled a party due to Bill puke, but it went off today without issue, apart from wet cold weather. I am sure all kids had fun, Moms too.
Josie turns 40 Saturday and our friend Mary Ellen as well. Happy Birthday to all and did you realize I am exactly six months from 40 as well. I look great too just like Mary Ellen and Josie, combined, with a beard muscles and other manly things. So not like them at all really except the beard. I am just joking, about some things there. See if you can spot the jokes from the truths and let me know the tally and the best will get a prize or a joke or maybe even a hug. No I am not drunk but did just have coffee and some wine too. Not mixed but in sequence.
So I am obsessed with getting little Bill riding bikes and scooters but cannot find a good ride. He loves bikes too, but his big bike doesn't quite fit and his kick bike is awkward still. I work myself into a lather over this stuff but he is happy and loves pushing them along anyway. I maintain composure 99% of the time and remind myself he is happy and I shouldn't worry. But I still do. Madeleine has no issues as we didn't start her on a bike until last year and she doesn't care, anyway I think we got Bill biking too young, but I will stay calm and deal with it. He has a lifetime ahead and so does MB and CC to bike, and bike they will as Revelstoke is a cycling paradise. The Photos will come soon.
The last picture is Mad B as a baby, try to guess the creature. Today's picture is for our freind down the street and has no real creatures.


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