Saturday, May 15, 2010

This week has been pretty uneventful, Josie's parents left so it is back to full on chores and duties. When the kids went to bed last night bed the urge for us to both go out was still there. A trip to the zoo, some friends over to the house and a bunch of bike rides were really the most adventurous things that happened. WE just finished pancakes for breakfast, and it was quite peaceful until Will would not stop touching me with sticky hands. I said I would sit beside Madeleine if he did not stop and of course he put them right on my nose. That was the end of peace at breakfast. Wailing and whining ensued and it came close to a cool down in his room, but luckily he got distracted by some sunglasses on the table. Madeleine started baby talking and more madness erupted. Time outs and most other ideas seem to have little affect on this. This may be another battle that must be abandoned and chalked up to normal unstoppable kid behavior. She says "I am just playing with MeeMoo not baby talking". This compounds things as this pet name is the most irritating.
Time to go play I have been up and down from this about seven times already and I think Josie is getting frustrated. She has decided to start to pack some boxes. Where is this, where is that. Will bring that back. Madeleine stop sassing. Cee Cee take that out of your mouth. Now Mad and Will are fighting. Oh what fun.

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