Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun with kids

Hey I don't mind getting dirty but I hate a big mess. Like our garage, basement, and generally our life. No that isn't right, I like that kind of mess. Messy kids stuff is what I mean. Friday we celebrated Josie's 40th birthday, and I let her stay in bed of course. I fed the kids cream of wheat for breakfast, no problem for Will and MadB but CC was coated in what came down to basically glue by the time she was done. Remember, she has a cold too so add the snot for reinforcement. For lunch we had risotto, again babies love smearing soft goo into their hair and all available orifices. Then lasagna for dinner. Another smear able meal of primordial sludge to wear on your person. Luckily I was in good a physical state and and state of mind and simply cleaned. Yesterday it was home made play dough which leaves behind a big mess and seems to stick to everything. I will buy the dollar cans from now on as that cleans up much easier. The play dough does usually afford a space of time to accomplish grown up things, like read the business section of the globe and mail from may 15th. Anyway messes aren't really that bad I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, i thought josie was turning 39 this year?1? (by the way, please tell josie happy belated birthday from me :) )
