Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just trying to absorb the idea that we will be moving. A very daunting idea. I need to find a body to come help me move stuff as the kids will be of little use. Will can carry a box of cereal, Madeleine a jug of milk and CeeCee may be able to drag an empty bowl. If anyone reads this and wants to volunteer we can discuss airfare and transportation issues. I think we will send Josie and the kids out early pack a truck and drive, it could be fun. I am getting a beer. Tree hop head from Kelowna, good and hoppy I feel fresh and nicely preserved when I have some. Also try Wild Rose's IPA it is intense. Lets rediscover what this style should be, Keith's is fine but should drop the moniker, you need lots of hops to be IPA. I wonder if there are any genuine IPA available, it would probably disgusting and unmarketable. I like this style of beer.
Beer aside, we are going to rent for six months to a year running the trial, as Josie can keep her status with the Calgary board of education for a year. This way if we cannot afford to live in the mountains with three babes we can come back to the big city and pick up where we left off. I feel pretty confident in our plan and feel good about jobs. Today, I looked and saw some of interest, but don't have a resume. I am lazy in this regard but will shake it soon. I intend to be employed before I get there.
Good day here winter is back again, it is just miserable. We did crafts, read books and wrestled. I have become labelled by Josie and the kids as the craft guy. Lisa even got Will a book of cool animal crafts for his birthday. I was instructed later that it was really for me to play with the kids. I like crafts. They are fun, interactive, creative and a time eater. It does sometimes go wrong, where I do all of the work. It is incredibly hard not to get very frustrated at this or when the craft is to complicated for them. Then I get mad, but this only happens, lets say two per cent of the time. I really can't wait for them to get bigger and we can build more elaborate and crazy things, I guess we are training for later. We will see, hopefully in Revelstoke we have lots of time for making things like bike ramps and play structures and dog houses etc..

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to help you move! airfare may be a little much! It's so good to hear about what your great family is up sounds like your lives are full of happiness and love. Congratulations on selling the house, and I know that you and Josie and the kids will be able to settle in and create a great family life wherever you are. Good for you both for going out on a limb to try something different and new in Revelstoke!
    BTW - We do miss Canadian beer, but Japanese beer is SO much more than Asahi and Sapporo. Nik could write a book, starting with our recent love, chocolate beer.
    Thanks for writing and keeping those of us who are far away a little closer to you and yours.
    Carlene :)
