Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Road trip

We have a place to live now, well for eight months at least. By then the plan is to have jobs and our own place. I will be signing Madeleine up for kindergarten, arranging our lease, getting a post office box, and going for ride with Tom or whoever else. Lisa tells me Thursday is a big bike ride night in the community so I hope I can keep up.
The two big kids had trips to the doctor, all is well. Madeleine is in the 75th percentile while little Bill is in the 50th. I don't really know the value of this except to, well I can't think of what. I guess as a gauge that they are relatively healthy. I don't know if Will will be a 6'4" 225lb. power forward for the Flames but we won't make him stop skating and focus on mathematics just yet. CeeCee is fine I think I bathed her myself for he first time today, no that isn't right, maybe in the big tub. I have used the baby tub and shower before. She is very funny. She has lots of big smiles and laughs, and always reaches to be picked up for hugs.
We are having a kid get together tomorrow, which I will miss part of. Josie's last count was 15 kids. Good luck I say and break out the chardonnay for the parents. Wouldn't that be fun. It will be Breakfast Blend and lemon grass tea all the way, don't worry .
We had a good trip to the Inglewood Bird sanctuary Saturday. Highlights were Redhead and Harlequin ducks. Madeleine has learned well about geese as a Canadian goose family of 13 climbed out of the pond about 12m ahead of us on a narrow trail. She has been told their wings are very strong and the dads are very protective so they might hurt a kid if they felt threatened. There is a of goose traffic in our parks and at the zoo especially so she is very aware. The way she reacted on the trail would have made a stranger think that we had been cut off by a momma grizzly and her cubs. There was a lot of patience and calming and crouching in the tall grass waiting for them to clear out but she insisted we stay back even hike back the other way to get home. Luckily a guy did walk by us and by the geese without either missing a beat thus reassuring Madeleine we were safe.

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